Groove Dance Facılıtatıon

Groove / Groove Fitness

“When you dance, you are making love with your own body. And what is thought of as talent is nothing but direct cooperation with your body.” – Meltem Arıkan

If you can move, you can Groove.

I became a groove facilitator because it’s magical. It helps your well being and brings you joy, health
and confidence. And most importantly,Groove is a method that teaches you to cooperate with your
body directly, and it’s a way to create an authentic dance experience. It’s easy to learn, fun, simple,
interactive, and you can’t get it wrong. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much you weigh. It

doesn’t matter if you didn’t dance before.

Groove Young at Heart

YOUNG at HEART employs the same Groove philosophy of moving your body in a fun, enjoyable,

stress-free and relaxing way that you’ve come to love. It’s designed especially for who need a kinder,

gentler workout and it’s something that I know you will absolutely love.


I want to dance everywhere as much as I can. I want to share my experience with those who don’t
believe they can dance. I want to see people dancing in the park. Let’s do that together…



You can follow my Groove Class on Instagram or Facebook.


I can do Groove workshop or Groove experience for your special events. Please contact me for
details of the Groove experiences that I can offer which can be design to your special event



Annemarıeke - Groover from Holland

Groove with Meltem is great fun! This is what dancing should be all about: moving freely, exploring different musical rhythms and songs: I end up feeling energised, joyful and in touch with my body. It’s great I can woin here all the way from the Netherlands.

Janeen M - Groover from England

Meltem gives instructions, but you are free to dance in your own way at your own level and pace. The music is flowing, rhythmic slow, fast, energetic. Groove Dance help you to connect to your inner self to be confiden in your own body. Meltem is lovely instructor and will guide you throughout. I will definitely be continuing with Groove Dancing. It’s also excellent for releasing your tensions and stress.

Margaret S - Groover from Wales

Groove fun and relaxing to move to different music every week and relearn dance styles you have forgotten!

Mehdi - Groover from Tunısıa

Meltem will make you spend an hour our of exercise, dance and overall fun.She clearly takes very seriously what she does and implements elements of creativity and humor that will never get bored week after week.

Neslihan - Groover from Turkey

Groove purifies yours body and soul with movements accompanied by wonderful songs. You feel you are part of a modern shamanic ritual.

Sally E - Groover from Wales

A great and fun way to exercise. Always some thing different so not all all boring!  Incorporates a lot fo different movements and styles, amazing what you learn.

SandIe L - Groover from Wales

Groove wonderful way to improve your balance, coordination and energy movement with music